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Press Release - #RockStoneMountain

Press release: for immediate release: “Rock Stone Mountain Rally Scheduled For April 23rd”

In recent months the “Black Lives Matter” radicals have made it clear that the interests of their own people are more important to them than the interests of our nation as a whole, or of the interests of law and order and the judicial process, or indeed of the interests of any people within the United States other than their own racial group.

They have staged mass protests, rallies, riots, and lootings in advancement of their racially driven cause. All the while, violent and specifically targeted, racially motivated Black on White crimes, purposefully underreported by the controlled mainstream media with its liberal anti-White agenda, continue to grow, and the White body count rises.

Along with federal government programs, actions, and inactions across the board concerning issues as diverse as illegal immigration, the influx of dubiously designated “refugees”, and affirmative action combined with overzealous political correctness, have collectively been committing what is, according to the United Nations definition of the term, the genocide of the founding White people of our nation.

If the replacement of Tibetans by Chinese is genocide, then so is the replacement of persons of European ancestry in our nation. Whether accomplished by bayonet or by ballot box, the effect is the same: the disenfranchisement and cultural and genetic dissolution of the descendants of our Founding Fathers, for whom they declared they were establishing this nation ‘to secure the blessings of liberty’, and whom they just as specifically designated as the sole heirs of the right of citizenship herein.

For decades the symbols of the Confederacy, such as the battle flag and the various monuments to its heroes, have grown from holding an originally more strictly regional significance, to representing the loyalties and aspirations of Whites across our nation and around the world. Since the more recent attacks on those symbols and that heritage have begun to increase in vitriol, so have their popularity among patriotic Whites who oppose thought control and politically correct opinion enforcement.

In response, therefore, to the racially motivated attacks on our people, our culture, our heritage, and their symbols, White patriots from across the United States and around the world will be gathering at Stone Mountain, Georgia, on the morning of April 23rd, 2016. This peaceful, nonpartisan gathering of like-minded concerned citizens will promote the idea that Whites have a right to live, and without fear; and to secure the existence of our people, and a future for White children.

Over all, we have the right to declare as forcefully and vocally as anyone from any other perspective that “White Lives Matter”. We will do so, as long as the first amendment continues to protect that right. We invite the press to join us in documenting this event, and reporting on it. Further media inquiries and follow-up questions may be submitted to Billy Roper, one of the event promoters and public relations contacts, via e-mail at ‪#‎rockstonemountain‬


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